More about Monarchs

I’m still here, but feeling a bit reclusive instead of outgoing. I am engaged in life but in a quieter way and I just accept this current cycle.  On the bright side, I saved a butterfly’s life!!!  And, I was rewarded with the creature staying on my finger for at least an hour and  on a backyard plant till the next day as it gathered strength.monarch butterfly emerge monarch butterfly J monarch butterfly Flight monarch butterfly thinning caterpillars1

It was the cocoon on the underside of a

clay fountain(see photo to right).  When the shell split open the weak and wobbly butterfly fell straight to the ground and was tangled in wet wings, off-balance, and needing help.  It crawled onto my finger and I delicately untangled its wings.
(FYI there are four parts to a Monarch butterfly’s wings, two larger top portions and two half-size bottom  portions).  And one side of the wings of this newly birthed butterfly was reversed and they, the wings,  soft and pliable, were stuck together.

Well, I unstuck them and I let the butterfly dangle on my finger while the wings dried and the insect became stronger.  The wings have to hang down to unfurl and let the air circulate.  Under normal circumstances I estimate it takes about two hours.
(Another FYI:  The body is hairy, soft black velvety looking hairs, and there are lots of polka dots all over the head area, and on the wings.  Also, a Monarch butterfly has four legs, each jointed at the knees (or whatever the joints are called) and there’s a prickly “toe” on the end of each leg perfect for clinging hold of something.

All total, I think that there were 18 butterflies that birthed in my backyard this summer.  Butterfly moments have come to represent larger-than-life themes in my mind: awe, nature, the spirit of humanity, survival, beauty, refreshment to the soul, patience, the present moment.


About Wings of Wonder

Linda Ruddy is a creative with a diverse range of interests in writing and painting. She currently is revising a middle grade novel, and author and illustrating a picture story book. She is an active member of SCBWI, Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators. Linda has a body of paintings, which form the foundation of her artistic development. This work can be viewed on her website: Her recent illustrations are an outgrowth of the style she developed in these paintings. Another passion is sculpture. Linda often uses her figures as models for her art. Linda's blog is eclectic and journeys wherever her muse guides her attention. Her blog address is: Following the muse, Linda Ruddy
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13 Responses to More about Monarchs

  1. Cindy says:

    What a great witness and healer to life you are, Linda! Thanks for sharing the amazing pics and commentary about the monarch butterfly!

  2. Oh I love butterflies – how lucky you are! I have just finished reading Flight Behaviour by Barbara Kingsolver which I loved 🙂

  3. Wenona says:

    What a vivid description of a magical experience, Linda. I love the monarch magic you have shared with me this summer. I too feel the awe!

  4. robin says:

    Your observations and insights are such a gift, Linda. Thanks for sharing your butterfly magic with us!

  5. marilynscottwaters says:

    So happy that you posted, Linda. I’ve been thinking about your butterflies. I understand about being reclusive, though the energy of Fall and back to school seems to be pulling me forward. Warm hugs, M

    • Life’s got some big challenges for me and my hubby, so I’m laying low for awhile.  Glad you enjoyed the butterfly magic. I always felt most energized in the Fall.  Enjoy those pulls forward.


  6. What lovely images you painted of your generosity of spirit. I’m sure the universe will give back to you your kindness to that butterfly. 🙂

    • I like your sentiment, I hope the universe was/is watching.  The butterflies keep coming back for visits and now my milkweed is covered with caterpillars again.  I just hope the food holds out, to give them time to grow.


  7. Awww! What a wonderful story. 🙂 That butterfly was lucky to have you in its corner.

  8. tbnranch says:

    Great story, thanks for sharing with us. 🙂

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